
Laozi, la figure centrale du taoïsme, est décrit, dès la période des Royaumes combattants chinois (476-221 av. J.-C.), de manière différente – maître à penser, immortel ou divinité (suprême) – par ses divers partisans selon leurs nécessités contextuelles, intra- et/ou extra-communautaires, conjointement avec leur élaboration doctrinale et pratique.

Mots-clés : Laozi, divinisation, Taishang Laozun, immortel, tao(ïsme), dao, le Lishi zhenxian tidao tongjian houji.



The central figure in Taoism, Laozi, has been described in different ways, since the Chinese Warring States period (476-221 BCE) – for example, as a philosopher, as an immortal master, or as a (or the supreme) divinity. Descriptions may have varied between his various followers, certainly according to their contextual community needs, together with their doctrinal and practical development.

Keywords: Laozi, deification, Taishang Laozun, immortal, Tao(ism), dao, Lishi zhenxian tidao tongjian houji.