Title: New indices of variability within funerary traditions in the western part of western LBK
In 1995, Ch. Jeunesse identified two funerary traditions within the western part of western LBK, dividing the Alsace plain into two areas: Southern Alsace (tradition I) and Northern Alsace (tradition II). The study of the degree of flexion of the lower limbs of the deceased in these two regions, conducted within the framework of a PhD thesis, establishes a new distinction between tradition I and II, as well as between several groups belonging to the same tradition. These results, combined with other elements linked to the structure of the graves and the nature of funeral goods, suggest the existence of geographical variability among the same tradition. They make it possible to outline at least two sub-groups within both tradition I and II from the LBK recent stage.
Keywords: Danubian Neolithic, funerary practices, Alsace, burials, Western LBK.