Title: Pierre Montet’s Strasbourg years (1919-1948)
The actors of the rebuilding of the University of Strasbourg in 1919 aimed at forming a high-level corps of professors, with the purpose of competing with the reputation held by Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Straßburg and Pierre Montet was recruited in this context. His first years in Strasbourg confirmed that he was a promising young Egyptologist and his excavations in the royal necropoleis in Byblos, then in Tanis made him famous internationally. This study is based on the human resources department file of Pierre Montet, which contains several papers about his nomination and especially a support letter by Victor Loret, presenting all the available candidates for the position. Other documents show more information about Pierre Montet’s teaching and research activities, from his arrival in Strasbourg to his leaving for the Collège de France and the period he stayed in Clermond-Ferrand, where the university of Strasbourg was installed from 1939 to 1945.
Keywords: Egyptology, history of sciences, Tanis, archives, Byblos, University of Strasbourg, Institute of Egyptology of the University of Strasbourg, Abu Roach, Pierre Montet, Victor Loret.