Title: Nudity as a criterion of anthropological differentiation between Greeks and Etruscans: in search of the ritual around Cannicella's "Venus"
The question of nudity in classical antiquity has been the subject of much discussion. Researchers have pointed out the oppositions of gender, cultures and periods that explain the adoption or rejection of nudity. We shall use the opposition between Etruscan and Greek representations of nudity: richly dressed Greek korai correspond to naked Etruscan female figures, while many kouroi and athletes, naked in Greek art, wear loincloths and cuirasses in Etruscan sculpture. Focusing on the famous "Venus" of Cannicella, we will observe the ritual processes that explain the nudity of this statue, taking into account its archaeological context, its iconography and finally its style.
Keywords: Nudity, Etruscan sculpture, korê, Paros, Aphrodite, Turan, Vei, funerary ritual, sanctuary, Cannicella.