Title: Rites and offerings in the domestic religion of the Romans: what testimonies on the use of incense?
If frankincense finds its place in most of the public rites of religions of Antiquity, what about the Romans’private worship ? Ancient authors, especially poets, frequently mention the libation of wine and the incense’s offering that occur before the sacrifice itself. Nevertheless, the sacrifices’ scenes don’t give them much importance whereas they are as indispensable as the literary testimonies for the rites’ analysis. Therefore, this study will be carried out from lararia paintings and cult objects discovered in Pompeian houses to determine the place given to incense in the ceremonies of domestic cult but also in funeral rites. We should be able to find archaeological evidence of its presence and draw conclusions. We will complete with an approach to the funerary field to look for evidence of incense use in the funeral in Pompeii.
Keywords: Pompeii, frankincense, domestic cult, praefatio, offerings, acerra, altar, funerals.