Title: Preventive archaeology and the ArcHiMèdE research unit: a fruitful collaboration
The recent discoveries made on route des Romains, in the Strasbourg area of Koenigshoffen, result from the numerous preventive archaeological excavations carried out following major urban development work, including the installation of a tramway line, at the eastern end of the district. Most of the actors of regional preventive archaeology were involved in the discoveries. The research unit UMR 7044 ArcHiMèdE provides the archaeologists working for the various developers, with whom partnership conventions have been signed, with the opportunity to compare and show the value of their discoveries, as part of one of its research programmes. This section focusing on Koenigshoffen shows how fruitful such a close collaboration between actors of preventive archaeology and academia may be.
Keywords: preventive archaeology, necropolis, epigraphy.